By Pastor Miguel Bustillos, Deliverance Minister and Exorcist
The Children's Bread Deliverance Ministry - Maryland Website: Our recent mission trip to Philadelphia was a profound demonstration of God's power and love. As we gathered to pray for every member, the Holy Spirit's presence filled the air, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and faith. Laying hands on individuals, we interceded for deliverance, healing, and restoration, witnessing miracles unfold before our eyes. Joining us was world-renowned deliverance minister Bob Larson, whose anointing and authority significantly amplified our mission. Together, we ministered to the people, breaking chains and setting captives free in the name of Jesus Christ. Numerous individuals experienced freedom from years of spiritual bondage as demonic strongholds were shattered. Testimonies of release echoed throughout the church, a powerful testament to the transformative power of prayer and the authority we possess in Christ. This mission trip was a poignant reminder of God's immense love and ability to transform lives. It was a privilege to witness the freedom that arises when the people of God unite in faith and fervent prayer. We left Philadelphia deeply grateful, encouraged, and more resolute than ever to continue this vital ministry of deliverance and healing. All glory to God for the incredible work He accomplished in Philadelphia!
By Pastor Miguel Bustillos, Exorcist
website: The concept of voodoo dolls, intertwined with practices of witchcraft and sorcery, often presents a profound challenge for Christians seeking to understand these phenomena from a Biblical perspective. This examination delves into the origins, types of magic employed with voodoo dolls, and the Biblical stance on such practices. Origins and Contemporary Use of Voodoo Dolls Voodoo dolls originate from African spiritual traditions and have been integrated into various cultural practices, most notably within Haitian Vodou. In this traditional context, voodoo dolls are used as spiritual tools for mediation between humans and the spiritual realm, often aiming for healing, guidance, or protection. However, the adaptation of voodoo dolls in popular culture and certain modern witchcraft practices sometimes portrays a darker usage, where these dolls are employed for harm or manipulation through specific types of magic. Types of Magic Employed with Voodoo Dolls 1. Sympathetic Magic: This form of magic is based on the principle that objects can be influenced through something that resembles them or has been in contact with them. In the case of voodoo dolls, practitioners often use personal artifacts like hair or pieces of clothing, believing that actions performed on the doll will directly affect the person represented. 2. Contagious Magic: A subset of sympathetic magic, contagious magic operates on the belief that things once in contact with a person can continue to affect them. Practitioners might incorporate personal items such as nails, skin, or blood into the doll, which are believed to strengthen the magical connection. 3. Spirit Invocation: This involves invoking spirits or deities to imbue the doll with certain powers. The ritual might be aimed at directing spiritual forces to carry out specific actions, like healing or hexing, through the medium of the doll. Biblical Perspective on Witchcraft and Magic The Bible provides clear directives regarding the practices of magic and witchcraft: - Old Testament Warnings: Deuteronomy 18:10-12 prohibits various forms of witchcraft and magic, labeling them as detestable to God. Such practices include divination, sorcery, and the casting of spells. - New Testament Teachings: Galatians 5:19-21 warns that those who engage in practices like witchcraft ("sorcery" in some translations) will not inherit the kingdom of God, emphasizing the spiritual danger associated with these acts. Christian Response to the Use of Voodoo Dolls For Christians, the appropriate response to the understanding and engagement with practices involving voodoo dolls includes: 1. Prayer and Spiritual Warfare: Ephesians 6:10-18 calls believers to put on the full armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, highlighting the importance of spiritual readiness. 2. Compassionate Outreach: Engaging lovingly with individuals involved in these practices, aiming to bring them towards the truth of the Gospel, is crucial. It involves not just correction but also providing support and guidance. 3. Education and Discernment: By becoming well-informed about these practices, Christians can better discern and educate others about the spiritual realities and dangers posed by witchcraft and similar practices. This involves promoting a Biblical understanding that emphasizes reliance on God's power and providence. Voodoo dolls, as used in various cultural and magical contexts, pose significant questions for Christians. Understanding these practices through a Biblical lens is essential for maintaining spiritual integrity and providing effective ministry in a world where such practices are sometimes glorified. The Bible's clear stance against witchcraft and sorcery directs believers towards reliance on God and the power of prayer, underscoring the importance of approaching all spiritual practices with discernment and faithfulness to Scripture. Manifesting God's Way: Scriptural Principles for Divine Blessings
In a world where the pursuit of personal desires often dominates, there's a profound longing for fulfillment rooted in divine purpose. Manifestation, a concept gaining widespread attention, holds the promise of realizing aspirations through focused intention and belief. Yet, amidst the clamor of self-centered manifestation techniques, lies a timeless path illuminated by Scripture - manifesting God's way. In this article, we'll explore the spiritual dimension of manifestation through the lens of biblical principles, uncovering truths that lead to the manifestation of God's blessings and purposes in our lives. Understanding Manifestation God's Way: Manifestation, when aligned with God's will, transcends mere wish fulfillment. It involves co-creating with the Divine, allowing His purposes to unfold through our lives. Unlike secular manifestations that prioritize personal desires, manifesting God's way centers on surrendering to His will and aligning our hearts with His divine plan. Scriptural Insights on Manifesting God's Way: 1. Faith Rooted in God's Promises: Hebrews 11:1 declares, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Manifesting God's way begins with faith grounded in His promises. As we align our desires with His Word, believing in His faithfulness, we open ourselves to His abundant blessings. 2. Seeking God's Will: Matthew 6:10 teaches us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Manifesting God's way involves prioritizing His kingdom and seeking His will above our own desires. By aligning our intentions with His purposes, we invite His divine intervention into every aspect of our lives. 3. Speaking Life Through God's Word: Proverbs 18:21 reminds us, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Manifesting God's way entails speaking His truth and promises into existence. By declaring His Word over our lives with faith-filled affirmations, we participate in the manifestation of His blessings and favor. 4. Walking in Obedience and Righteousness: Psalm 37:4 assures us, "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Manifestation flourishes in hearts surrendered to God's will, delighting in Him and walking in obedience and righteousness. As we align our actions with His principles, we position ourselves to receive His abundant blessings. 5. Trusting in God's Timing: Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us, "He has made everything beautiful in its time." Manifesting God's way requires patience and trust in His perfect timing. Even amidst delays and uncertainties, we hold fast to His promises, knowing that He is faithful to bring His plans to fruition in His appointed season. Manifesting God's way transcends the temporal pursuit of personal desires. It's about aligning our hearts with His will, trusting in His promises, and surrendering to His divine timing. As we walk in faith, seeking His kingdom first, speaking forth His truth, and obeying His commands, we unlock the transformative power of manifestation, ushering in His blessings and glory. Let us embrace the path of manifesting God's way, knowing that as we align with His will, He will fulfill the desires of our hearts and bring about His purposes in our lives. For Deliverance Ministry or Exorcism with Exorcist Miguel Bustillos click here: Read more on this topic on this blog by Exorcist Bob Larson on understanding how manifesting the wrong way can cause you to get demons: Written by PASTOR MIGUEL BUSTILLOS, EXORCIST, DELIVERANCE MINISTER. - WWW.PASTORMIGUEL.COM
Unveiling the Power in Luke 10:19 - Authority Over the Enemy Luke 10:19 contains a powerful revelation spoken by Jesus to His disciples. In this brief teaching, we'll explore the profound implications of this verse and understand how it applies to believers today. Luke 10:19 (NKJV): "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." In Luke 10, Jesus sends out seventy disciples to minister in various towns. Upon their return, they jubilantly report the authority they had over demons in His name. Jesus responds by affirming the authority He has given them over all the power of the enemy. Key Points: 1. Given Authority: Jesus begins with a powerful word, "Behold," inviting attention to what follows. He declares that He gives His disciples authority. This authority is not earned but bestowed by Christ Himself. 2. Trampling on Serpents and Scorpions: The imagery of serpents and scorpions symbolizes the spiritual forces of evil. The authority given is not merely defensive but empowers believers to trample over these malevolent forces. It signifies victory and dominion over the schemes of the enemy. 3. Authority Over All Power of the Enemy: The scope of authority extends beyond specific manifestations (serpents and scorpions) to encompass all power of the enemy. It's comprehensive, covering every tactic, strategy, and scheme the adversary might deploy. 4. Invincibility in Christ: The assurance that "nothing shall by any means hurt you" is a promise of divine protection. It doesn't mean believers won't face challenges, but no scheme of the enemy will ultimately prevail. This promise resonates with the invincibility found in Christ. For believers today, Luke 10:19 is a source of great encouragement and empowerment. It reminds us that, in Christ, we have been given authority over all the power of the enemy. This authority is not based on our strength but on the finished work of Jesus on the cross. As we walk in this authority, we can face challenges with confidence, knowing that nothing can ultimately harm us. It is a call to live in victory, trampling over the schemes of the enemy, and manifesting the authority given to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Luke 10:19 is a powerful declaration of the authority bestowed upon believers. It's an invitation to live in the reality of this authority, trusting in Christ's victory and walking in the confidence that, in Him, we are more than conquerors over every scheme of the enemy. "The Crucial Role of an Experienced Deliverance Minister: Navigating Spiritual Liberation"12/25/2023 "The Crucial Role of an Experienced Deliverance Minister: Navigating Spiritual Liberation"
In the realm of spiritual well-being, the significance of seeking guidance from an experienced deliverance minister cannot be overstated. Deliverance Ministry, is the process of freeing individuals from spiritual bondage, oppression, or negative influences. Here, we delve into the compelling reasons why turning to a seasoned deliverance minister is of utmost importance. 1. **Expertise and Discernment:** Experienced deliverance ministers possess a deep understanding of spiritual warfare and the intricacies of identifying and combating malevolent forces. Their accumulated knowledge and discernment are invaluable when addressing complex spiritual issues, ensuring a more effective and targeted approach to deliverance. 2. **Balanced and Biblical Approach:** Seasoned deliverance ministers often adhere to a balanced and biblically grounded methodology. Their experience enables them to draw upon the teachings of sacred texts, offering a framework that aligns with religious doctrines and principles. This ensures that the deliverance process is conducted with a solid foundation and in harmony with one's faith. 3. **Personalized Guidance:** Every individual's spiritual journey is unique, and experienced deliverance ministers understand the importance of tailoring their approach to meet the specific needs of each person. Through personal interaction and discernment, they can provide customized guidance, prayers, and strategies to address individual challenges. 4. **Navigating Complexity:** Spiritual battles can be intricate and multifaceted. Experienced deliverance ministers are equipped to handle the complexity of spiritual warfare, recognizing the subtle nuances that may escape the untrained eye. Their ability to navigate through layers of spiritual issues ensures a more comprehensive and thorough deliverance process. 5. **Pastoral Care and Support:** Beyond the deliverance session itself, experienced ministers often provide ongoing pastoral care and support. This ensures that individuals undergoing spiritual liberation have a reliable source of guidance and encouragement as they navigate their post-deliverance journey. 6. **Ethical Considerations:** An experienced deliverance minister is attuned to ethical considerations and the potential risks associated with spiritual interventions. They prioritize the well-being of the individual, maintaining a sense of responsibility and accountability throughout the deliverance process. 7. **Community Integration:** Seasoned deliverance ministers are often well-connected within their religious communities. This allows for a more holistic approach to spiritual liberation, involving the support of a community of believers who can provide additional prayers, encouragement, and fellowship. In conclusion, the importance of seeking the guidance of an experienced deliverance minister lies in their expertise, balanced approach, personalized care, ability to navigate complexity, pastoral support, ethical considerations, and community integration. As individuals embark on their spiritual journey, the assistance of a seasoned deliverance minister can make a profound difference in achieving lasting spiritual freedom. Title: The Dangers of Halloween: A Biblical Perspective
By Pastor Miguel Bustillos Exorcist and Deliverance Minister Introduction Halloween, with its costumes, candies, and spooky decorations, has become a widely celebrated holiday in many parts of the world. However, from a biblical perspective, there are concerns about the origins and practices associated with this holiday. In this blog, we will explore the potential dangers of Halloween and how Christians can approach it in a way that aligns with their faith. 1. The Origins of Halloween Halloween, which means "All Hallows' Eve," has roots in ancient Celtic and Druidic festivals, including Samhain, a holiday marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. In these pagan traditions, it was believed that on the night of October 31st, the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, and spirits could roam the earth. The Celtic people lit bonfires and wore costumes to ward off these spirits. As Christians, it is essential to be aware of these pagan origins and remember that our faith encourages us to avoid any practices that might involve pagan rituals or superstitions (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). 2. Dark and Occult Themes Modern Halloween celebrations often embrace dark and occult themes, including witches, vampires, zombies, and other supernatural entities. These themes can glorify elements that are contrary to Christian beliefs. The Bible advises us to focus on things that are pure, lovely, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). 3. Fear and Glorification of Evil Halloween often revels in fear and the glorification of evil. While some may argue that it's all in good fun, as Christians, we are reminded in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline. Fear and evil should not be celebrated or trivialized. 4. Inappropriate Costumes One common practice on Halloween is the wearing of costumes. However, some costumes can be inappropriate and even offensive. As Christians, we are called to be mindful of our choices and actions, considering whether they align with biblical principles (1 Corinthians 10:31). 5. Alternative Approaches So, what should Christians do during Halloween? Avoid the holiday altogether, but if you feel you can't, then consider these alternative approaches: a. Educational opportunities: Teach your children about the historical origins of Halloween and its pagan roots. Use this as an opportunity to share the Gospel and discuss the importance of distinguishing between good and evil. b. Prayer and discernment: Pray for wisdom and discernment in how to navigate Halloween as a Christian. Seek guidance from your church community and spiritual leaders. Conclusion While Halloween has become a popular secular holiday, it is essential for Christians to approach it with discernment and consideration of its origins and practices. By focusing on the principles of our faith, we can navigate this holiday in a way that honors God and promotes values that align with the teachings of the Bible. Ultimately, it is up to each individual and family to make informed and prayerful decisions about their involvement in Halloween festivities. For Deliverance Ministry: Forgiveness is a vital concept in the Bible. It is mentioned over 100 times in the New Testament alone, and it is a fundamental principle that lies at the heart of Christian teachings. Forgiveness is the act of pardoning someone for a wrongdoing or an offense, and it is an essential part of living a Christian life. In this blog, we will explore what the Bible teaches about forgiveness and its importance in our lives The Meaning of Forgiveness: Forgiveness is the act of letting go of bitterness, anger, and resentment towards someone who has wronged us. It involves releasing the person from the debt they owe us and choosing not to hold their offense against them any longer. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what the person did or excusing their behavior, but it does mean choosing to show mercy and kindness towards them. The Importance of Forgiveness Forgiveness is essential to our relationship with God and with others. In the Bible, God's forgiveness of our sins is the basis of our salvation. When we repent and turn to Him, He forgives us completely and unconditionally. In turn, we are called to forgive others as God has forgiven us. Forgiveness also brings freedom and healing to our own lives. When we hold onto anger and bitterness towards someone, it can consume us and cause us to feel stuck in the past. Forgiveness allows us to move forward and experience the peace and joy that God desires for us. Forgiveness also has the power to restore relationships. When we forgive someone who has wronged us, it can create an opportunity for reconciliation and a chance to rebuild trust and intimacy. How to Forgive: Forgiveness is not always easy, and it can be a process that takes time. However, the Bible provides guidance on how we can extend forgiveness to others. Here are some key steps: Recognize the offense - Acknowledge the hurt that has been caused and the impact it has had on your life. Choose to forgive - Decide to let go of your anger and bitterness and extend forgiveness to the person who has wronged you. Pray for the person - Ask God to bless the person who has hurt you and to give you the strength to forgive them. Take action - Extend kindness and grace towards the person, and seek reconciliation if possible. In conclusion, forgiveness is a critical component of the Christian life. It is a powerful act that brings freedom and healing to our lives, restores relationships, and reflects the mercy and grace of God. As we seek to live a life that is pleasing to God, let us strive to be people who extend forgivenes. The Children's Bread Deliverance Ministry is a deliverance church. To receive deliverance: Genesis 4:7
If you do what is right, won’t you be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” Overcoming sin can be a difficult and ongoing process, but here are a few steps that may help:
The Children's Bread Deliverance Ministry is a deliverance ministry located in Maryland, but has helped thousands be set free in Jesus' name. to receive deliverance click on this link: . Is there any evidence that certain people can shape-shift? For thousands of years people have talked about the ability to shape-shift. It is possible to do so?
We know that Native Americans have the legend of the wendigo, in which a witch doctor through witchcraft is able to transform from a human to an animal. Many Native Americans are even afraid to talk about it. They believe that talking about them actually attract the wendigo. So getting any evidence is tough. The legend of the werewolf is another example of shape shifting. Many years ago, I read a book from Rebecca Brown “He Came to Set the Captives Free,” in which Rebecca described how people (witches) willingly would allowed themselves to be possessed by so many demons, that they would shapeshift into werewolves. They would the enforcer of these covens. The Vikings had the Berserkers. These were fierce warriors that felt no pain and would dress up as Wolves or Bears. They took the characteristics of these animals, after going through rituals and ceremonies. Through our ministry, we have found wolflike spirits inside of people. These people would behave like wolves, growl and snarl. The Warrens from the Conjuring movies dealt with a case similar to this. A fellow claimed to be possessed by a wolf. He would become like a werewolf during his exorcisms. Is there Biblical examples of this in the Bible? Daniel 4:32-33 talks about the transformation of Nebuchadnezzar into some type of beast. Would you imagine walking in the park and being confronted by a beast that was totally hairy and had nails like a birds claw? How about the in Proverbs 30:14? In which it is clearly talking about a vampirism, “The are those whose teeth are swords, whose fangs are knives, to devour the poor from the earth, the needy from among mankind. So there is Biblical evidence that these transformations are possible. WARNING! DO NOT TRY TO SHAPESHIFT! You will end up full of demons. These demon swill destroy you and your life. Take this warning seriously. We invite you to come to our seminar “dealing with witches” on October the 18th, 2022. You can find out about it on our website: Pastor Miguel Bustillos Contact us through our website for deliverance ministry. Many times people that come to us for deliverance may happen to see dark figures. These figures quite often tend to appear at night when you are laying down in bed. They terrify those that see them. At first these figures may look like shadows, but as time goes by, they tend to show their true self to their host. Some of them even wear hoods. After a while they tend to disappear, and the unsuspecting host doesn't realize that the spirit has entered into them. These demons like to torment their host. They tend to come in and out of their host, often showing themselves to the terrorize victims. This is how they get their strength. They feed on your fear. Demons are constantly looking for a house (body) as a result they look for any open door that they may use to demonize a person. You may not know that you opened a door, but these monitoring spirits are constantly looking for an opening.
If you see shadows or dark figures, we recommend that you that you receive deliverance: Our webpage: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Office Phone: 301-732-3451 Rev. Miguel Bustillos |
The Author:
Rev. Miguel Bustillos (Born-Again Christian) is currently the Senior Pastor of the Children's Bread Church. He is a graduate of The International School of Exorcism, The Advance Academy of Deliverance and Life Christian University, with an Advanced Degree in Theology. Furthermore, He has studied Demonology from many other institutions, including the International School of the Word (ISOW). In addition, he is also a graduate of the Regina Apostolorum in Rome, where he studied "The Rite of Exorcism and Deliverance". He trained with some of the world's top exorcists. He has freed hundreds of God's Children from demonic attacks and torment, in Jesus' name. Jesus gets all the glory. Rev. Miguel is a well known and highly sought after Exorcist and Deliverance Minister in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia area. He was a guest speaker in 2019's International School of Exorcist convention. He received his ordination from Life Christian University. Before getting into ministry, he worked in the healthcare field for 18 years. He became a professor of healthcare at a university in Arlington Virginia and climbed through the ranks to become Program Director and finally Academic Dean. He left his position as Academic Dean to become a full-time Deliverance Minister. He holds terminal advance degrees in Business and Cardiopulmonary Sciences. Archives
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