Deliverance Testimonies
I am happy to recommend Rev. Miguel Bustillos in the matters of exorcism and deliverance. I have personally known Rev. Miguel Bustillos for several years. His commitment to ministry and helping individuals needing deliverance is unquestionable. He has prepared himself educationally, having trained not only by the Vatican, but is also a graduate of both the International School of Exorcism and the Advanced Academy of Deliverance. In addition, Rev. Miguel Bustillos has assisted me directly in many private exorcisms and deliverance sessions. From my personal experiences with him, I feel that he is pursuing God's calling on his life and can help those tormented by demonic forces.
- Dr. Rev. Bob Larson I was born into a family line which was full of Freemasonry and occult practices. Parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, aunts and uncles were all involved, including membership in the Masonic lodge, Ouija board, belief in reincarnation, seance, gardening superstitions, and astrology. These are only the things I'm personally aware of. I'm sure the list is longer than that back through the generations, especially in my mother's line.
I now believe it was demons of Freemasonry that afflicted me from the womb. As long as I could remember I'd struggled with a sense of rejection, (very common in people who have masonry in their ancestry), and certain kinds of sins. During recent repentance of Freemasonry in my bloodline, and the breaking of generational curses, I read the list of curses accompanying this, and was astounded at how many of them had afflicted me and my children. Then the course of my life began to make sense. It was 9 years ago, May 27, 2010, when I finally suffered a direct demonic attack. Since then I'd had nightmares full of unclean spirits, sexual harassment by demonic entities, and a terrible combination of pain and lying emotions every single morning, that felt like Jesus and His Father had rejected me. Of course this was not true, because I had been saved many years before, at age 23. The problem was that I needed deliverance then, but had absolutely no awareness of demons or the need for deliverance at that time. It was when I made this spiritual error by following a false teaching back in 2010, that the Lord let me actually see what had happened to me all my life.. It caused me to run to Him in generational and personal repentance, and as I repented, He began little by little in His great grace and love, to deal with me in His mercy and forgiveness. Then, in the past few months, the Lord has used Rev. Miguel to minister major deliverance to me. In the first session I was delivered from all unclean spirits and nightmares. In the second session, I was delivered of the sexual spirits that had harassed me for so long, and I had an alter that was restored. None of that oppression ever came back. I am enjoying so much freedom now, both from personal sin and demonic harassment. Thank you, Rev Miguel, for being a willing vessel for the Holy Spirit to do His work. After a lifetime of oppression, I have freedom. -BS “Dear Reverend Dr. Miguel,
When I first came to you, I was self harming in my sleep. I awoke on two separate occasions with my thumbnail pressing into the top of my closed eye, leaving a deep red indentation on my eyelid. Any lower and I might have been blinded. I don’t know what would possess me to do something like this, but I awoke from the pain. You have delivered me from that, and for that I ask God bless you so that you live a long, happy, healthy life. That is my testimony thanks be to God. I thank God for you.” - JH I am so blessed Pastor Miguel. My back was healed of Degenerate Sclerosis. TRULY A MIRACLE! I am proclaiming my healing to everyone. MY REDEEMER LIVES! HALLELUJAH!
-H Pastor Miguel is thorough and detailed oriented. He approaches his clients with honesty, concern and care. There was no time wasted from contacting him to actually meeting with him for my deliverance session. I was very comfortable with him and his assistance Denise. She was also very professional and devoted to the healing process.This ministry is focused on deliverance and a closer walk with our Saviour Jesus Christ. This man of God is anointed. Pastor Miguel is a blessing to our community with a passion to set the captives free as Jesus commanded.
Thank you Pastor Miguel, a true blessing. -Helena I reached out to Pastor Miguel when I was dealing with many spiritual attacks all around me. I really had no hope and no one to help me. I asked God to lead me to a ministry that could deliver me from spiritual forces( generational curse) I could not deal with on my own. Then I found "The Children Bread Deliverance Ministry" and contacted Pastor Miguel. After our first deliverance session I notice many changes in my life. I am not being attacked in my dreams, my health improved and notice the change of how others treat me. Before my deliverance I was constantly being attack by many demonic spirits like a spirit husband,serpent, Jezebel etc who made my life a living hell. The spirit husband would attack me in my dreams sexually abusing me, destroying everything that I worked so hard for (School, work, personal dreams). After my deliverance I noticed how many things shifted for me. I have peace at work and home and my finance improved. I even have peace at church because these evil spirits would make me have misunderstanding with so many brothers and sisters in Christ and cause me to be alone. I give God all the Glory for my deliverance and would ask you if your going through this kinda situation to reach out to Pastor Miguel or any other deliverance ministry and receive your freedom. I want to thank Jesus Christ for my complete deliverance and for using my life as testimony.
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." God bless you- Sis DH *Testimonial posted with permission* |
Brother Joe's Deliverance TestimonyHello Rev. Hutchinson.
I am not sure where to begin. I am very grateful for you, Pastor Tony, and Pastor Jason (Rev. Miguel too!). I want to share this with you, and give you permission to share it as you would like. If you share it publicly, please just change my name for the sake of anonymity. As you know when we spoke the first time, I was in a place of great exasperation. I had been trying to battle an unseen foe for many years. That foe seemed to know how to put blocks against every area of my life. It tormented me in the night, kept me from sleep, and stole every ounce of prosperity I ever had (my whole life). I was on the verge of complete financial bankruptcy all the time. Spiritually, I was in a place of wonder at why the Lord would never let me get up from the ground (I felt like I was literally getting beaten down into the ground by some unseen force), and I saw him as not accepting me for who I was - that even though He loved me, it was more in a sense of His loving mankind and when it came to me personally, he tolerated me to come into His kingdom (there was no sense of personal embrace, and I was afraid He would reject me if slipped up at all), but there was certainly no feasting at His table for the likes of me. I know this is contrary to all of scripture, but it seemed to always be confirmed by this life-long, never-ending, and all-consuming of all my work and effort and finances. That somehow, my living as prey to to my foe was my penance for being less than desirable to Him. But, I just did not know how to make myself desirable to God (if that could even have happened!). In this wretched state, the Lord started me on a journey of deliverance beginning about 2.5 years ago when I first heard a message by Derek Prince. That sermon launched me onto a quest into this thing I had never heard of - “Deliverance”. Over the course of the following 2+ years, I was ruthless with repentance; rejecting and renouncing anything that seemed sinful in my life, and I sought the Lord like never before. Simultaneously, I began a direct offensive against evil forces in my life which I believed the demonic realm was attacking me and my family. I was largely successful in driving many wicked spirits out, but it was like I was fighting against waves of troops and not gaining victory over the head of it all. In other words, it appeared to me that I was I just fighting the never-ending hordes of soldiers and not winning the ultimate battle against the leader of the army. In particular, I could not fully overcome this certain spirit which seemed to literally consume every bit of my finances and hard work, I was truly his prey. I tried everything I could think of and whatever I could discern from the Lord, but I was unsuccessful. Also, even during all of this, I never could shake that feeling that the Lord was barely tolerating me and surely did not embrace me. It is very important to note that this never-ending consuming of my finances kept me in a state of absolute survival. I was like a wolf always on the hunt. I could never relax or let up from my labors at all, because if I did, it was certain financial ruin. Month by month, week by week, and even day by day, it was a life-style of utter survival - and this happened my whole life. I could never just rest, or I would be in total ruin. As a result, I was in a state of constant hyped-up attention. It was like I was in a war zone and if I was inattentive for a second, it could cost me everything. This exhausted me and made me feel very hopeless. Then the Lord brought me to you. I sensed I was like a little peasant child in a medieval village, with no real skill in battle, and I was calling in the King’s Soldiers to fend off the invading Viking hoard. You all knew how to swing the sword and battle-ax. You knew how to cover me in safety. You were sent by the King Himself on a mission to reclaim me - that which had been held in captivity for far too long. So, since those two nights, I have had a very different life. I know it has only been a month or so, but the change is so drastic that I am absolutely amazed. The most notable thing to me is that since the second night of deliverance, I am in a state of peacefulness (inside me) which I have literally never known. The feeling of torment is totally gone. I feel stable inside. I do not feel like a captive anymore. And, most notably, I sense a real acceptance and love of God for me - for ME! Not just mankind, but ME - this little particular soul. He knows me and accepts me. I am His and He will protect me. Interestingly, I have not yet seen a change in my finances. I am still, at this moment, in a state of near financial ruin, but that sense of survival is completely gone. I feel okay with it, but not in a resigned and fatal way. It's more of a feeling like it’s going to be okay because He is going to make all okay. I know He will carry me in His provision, somehow in some way. I am not worried about it anymore. Something else that has occurred, unexpectedly, is that in this new-found peacefulness, I almost have to relearn how to live. I can see how my identity was so much wrapped into the captivity and bondage I was in that now, being let free, I am almost learning how to poke my way through this world as if I am a new-thing. I feel like a POW coming back into society and it feels weird to be honest. It is like I am seeing some things, even familiar things, for the first time. And, it is making me reflect on where my life is going and what my priorities really should be. I have sensed the devil trying to poke back in; trying to convince me that it hasn’t changed and I am in the same place - but it rings hollow. It is so far from reality that I quickly spot the lies and resist them. The Lord has set me free, by the blood of Jesus Christ. I WILL NOT go back into captivity! And, praise be to God, I do not ever have to again! I have some thoughts about all of this that I would like to share, as one who is both a participant and observer of the Lord’s power and authority. But, I will hold that until another email. Peace to you my brother, and the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Please share my grateful appreciation with the other pastors who helped me. I am forever in your debt. Patrick Pastor Miguel, I can’t thank you enough. God used you and The Children's Bread as the vessel to my deliverance. I thank God for raising up the ministry and providing every need (financial, staffing, volunteers) and sending those in need to you. -NT
Over the last year, I suffered from DID/Multi-personality disorder and Rev. Miquel Bustillios worked with my husband and myself to identify the problem. We had several sessions via Skype to do delivery ministry through these sessions. I would experience instances where the personalities would take over my core personality for days on end. Rev Bustillios was able to identify the problem and work with us on a solutions. With much patience and persistency he got to the root of the demonic problem and I am happy to say, I have been free and clear of any relapse through much pray and living a clean lifestyle by putting the Lord Jesus Christ and God first. The Lord Jesus Christ and God is the head of my life and I am very thankful Rev. Bustillios ministry and contribution of his work and his gift for my success. I am very thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ and God for saving me.
- S and M H Rev Miguel had so much patience with me and much compassion because of the demonic oppression in my life. He prayed for me and there was so much power and anointing! Praise God for this deliverance ministry! Thank you, Rev. Miguel!
-L It was an all around good experience. I am glad I did it. I feel so different, He really cares about people.
- SA I have been praying for a long time for God to help me and I am glad that he is using you to minister to His people. God bless you Pastor Miguel and I will be praying for you and your family and for God to continue to bless your ministry. Thanks
-WJ |